
Thursday, December 23, 2010

silhouette stuff

Today has been a day of wrapping presents and baking.  Tomorrow we clean and then it's Christmas!!

This is a computer print out of the original picture, darkened.

My creative thing today involves making silhouettes--I'm a little obsessed with them lately. 

I took a picture from a couple of years ago that showed one of my daughters standing on a deck in a vacation home.  It was already digital, so I darkened it to make her outline more distinct.  From there, I simply printed the picture in black and white on 8 1/2 x 11 paper. 

I then took a fine tip Sharpee marker and outlined her and the deck railing.  When I turned the paper over, the outline was distinct enough to photocopy which I then did. 

I used a Sharpee to outline the image and then turned it over.
To the photocopy, so I still had the outline copy in case I want to try something different to it, I used a wide tip black marker to fill in the areas in the picture occupied by her and the deck railing. 

I colored in the area with a wide tip marker.
 My next plan, which will probably have to wait until after Christmas, is to go to Staples and have them print it larger, maybe poster size, to see how it turnes out. 

I am also interested in putting a piece of clear contact paper over the image and cutting out the "black" area.  From there, I want to put what's left, basically a stencil, on something. . .canvas. . .wood. . .something. . .and then paint the cutout area in stripes or polka dots or some graphic design.  I'll add more when I do.

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